Course "Complying With New FDA FSMA Preventive Control Rules: Planning Valid Preventive Food Safety Controls" has been pre-approved by RAPS as eligible for up to 12 credits towards a participant's RAC recertification upon full completion.
Upon completing this course participants will leave with a preliminary preventive control implementation plan and will:
Understand US FDA final rules for the Preventive Controls for Human and Animal Foods
Leave the training with your company PCQI approved preventive control and food defense plans
Define and review your current system to identify gaps in your preventive controls planning.
Learn to close any gaps
Identify any needed procedures
Know your requirements for control over your supply chain
Be able to plan and implement Preventive Controls
Be able to perform environmental monitoring
Know how cross contamination can impact your preventive control plan
Know the difference between validation and verification
Understand and be able to use statistical process controls basics
Be able to plan and implement a team approach to preventive controls
Be able to help your food importers to jump through FDA hoops
Develop a system to risk rank your suppliers
Have a plan in hand that will pass any validation check for preventive controls
Understand some of the technology and costs that can help you establish preventive controls
Be able to prove that your system actually prevents food safety problems
Be able to document and report results to upper management, external food safety auditors and FDA auditors
Save your company money Establish simple, low cost complete data collection and reporting systems.
Establish team building between food safety and quality personnel to develop and implement changes to your current system
Establish a completely documented system
Why should you attend:
Planning, implementing, verifying and validating preventive food safety controls is where the rubber meets the road in terms of prevention. You and your team can come to this training to collectively develop the food safety plan and defense plans, learn to implement the plan, verify plan implementation, and prove that you are actually preventing food safety problems.
According to the FDA all food facilities "must monitor their controls, conduct verification activities, provide hard data to validate that the controls are effective, take appropriate corrective actions, and maintain records documenting these actions". This training session will present a practical approach to provide you and your team members with needed understanding and tools and a basic strategy for designing, implementing and validating preventive process and product controls.
You will develop a basic plan during this training and have it checked by the instructor.
Regardless of your ability to understand or validate processes, process validation is now a legal requirement and you cannot wait for the FDA to develop their ability to assist your company
Areas Covered in the Session
Preventive Control System Planning Requirements and Goals
Review of the FDA's FSMA Overall Rules
Review of final rules for the preventive control of human and animal foods
Environmental Monitoring (Sampling/Test/Labs/Data)
Supply Chain Controls (Including imports)
Hazards and Adulteration
Prevention versus Corrective Action
Cross Contamination through Supply Chains
Food Safety and Quality Planning (HARPC)
Teams and Teamwork
Continuous Improvement
Measurement, Repeatability, Reliability, Calibration
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Data, logs, forms and electronic record keeping
Recall and Traceability
Return on investment (ROI) and marketing advantages
Integrated Food Safety Systems (Government vs Business needs)
Transportation Processes
Who will benefit:
Mandatory for upper level management needing to understand impact of laws relating to food safety program validation
Legal team members focused on food safety
Food quality and safety personnel
Food safety leads and implementation team members
Maintenance operations personnel
Compliance personnel
Food facility personnel
Food importers whose food will be consumed in the U.S.
Food security personnel
Recall specialists
Company sales and marketing personnel whose customers demand sanitary and temperature controlled distribution and transportation processes
Day 1 Schedule
Lecture 1:
Preventive Control System Planning Requirements and Goals Preventive Control System Planning Requirements and Goals
Review of the FDA's FSMA Overall Rules
Review of final rules for the preventive control of human and animal foods
Lecture 2:
Environmental Monitoring (Sampling/Test/Labs/Data)
Supply Chain Controls (including Imported Foods)
Lecture 3:
Hazards and Adulteration
Prevention versus Corrective Action
Cross Contamination through Supply Chains
Lecture 4:
System Planning Activities
Day 2 Schedule
Lecture 1:
HARPC Food Safety and Quality Planning
Lecture 2:
Teams, Teamwork and Continuous Improvement
Measurement, repeatability, Reliability, Calibration
Statistical Process Control
Lecture 3:
Data, logs, forms and electronic record keeping
Recall and Traceability
Integrated Food Safety Systems (Government versus Business)
Lecture 4:
Transportation Processes
System Planning
Dr. John Ryan
President , TransCert , QualityInFoodSafety , RyanSystems
Dr. John Ryan holds a Ph.D. in research and statistical methods. He has spent over 25 years implementing preventive control systems for international corporations in Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Mexico and the United States. He was a graduate quality and operations management lecturer at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California and has recently retired from his position as the administrator for the Hawaii State Department of Agriculture's Quality Assurance Division where he won awards for his visionary and pioneering work in traceability technology. He is now the president of Ryan Systems with websites at and the His companies provide FSMA training in preventive food safety and quality and certify food transporters to sanitation and temperature control standards. He has published over 40 articles in quality systems and food safety. His latest books now available from Elsevier Press are entitled "Validating Preventive Food Safety and Quality Controls" (2017), "Guide to Food Safety during Transportation: Controls, Standards and Practices, 2nd Ed." (2017) and "Food Fraud" (2015). He can be reached at [email protected].
Location: Chicago, IL Date: July 24th & 25th, 2018 and Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Venue: Hilton Garden Inn O'Hare 2930 S. River Road Des Plaines, IL 60018
Price: $1,295.00 (Seminar Fee for One Delegate)
Register for 5 attendees Price: $3,885.00 $6,475.00 You Save: $2,590.00 (40%)*
Register for 10 attendees Price: $7,122.00 $12,950.00 You Save: $5,828.00 (45%)*
Register now and save $200. (Early Bird)
Until June 10, Early Bird Price: $1,295.00 From June 11 to July 22, Regular Price: $1,495.00
Sponsorship Program benefits for seminar
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